No, our computer still works, so does Internet, I have not been ill and I have not been on a relaxing holiday! It's just the time of the year that I'm sooooooo busy and I don't find the time to update my blog.
At some point this week I thought that it might be a good idea to ring my parents back home to insure them that everything is still alright and we're still up and running! I managed to drag myself out of bed early one of these mornings to ring them.
It was 10.30 pm in the Netherlands and not a common time for me to call them.
So the first thing my mum asked when she picked up...'Oh Monique, what a surprise, what is the good news!?!?!!!!'
(And we all know what mums wanna hear when they ask this question!!!. But unfortunately for her...)
'....Ehm, NO mum, I'm not pregnant and NO, we are not getting married... I just have a spare minute, that's it..!'
Anyway, no time to craft either. Therefor I thought I'll show you a few of the very nice Christmas decorations I bought in our shop the other day.

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