Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ten things about me...

I received an 'honest blog award' from Sue from I Purr-Furr to Craft. I'm very honored.
Now that means that I have to tell you 10 random things about myself. Oh dear.... here we go:

  1. I am addicted to Nivea hand creme.

  2. I love Sushi and that's probably one of the main reasons that I love living in Melbourne so much. It's Sushi paradise!

  3. I have a Dutch mom and a German dad (I miss you both)

  4. Okay...this is probably the most embarrassing one..... I'm afraid of thunder!!! If I'm home alone I actually hide myself under a blanket with my Ipod till it's over....hehehe.

  5. My plan for next year is to do more sports. Not difficult as I'm not doing anything at the moment.

  6. I actually studied Social Work but I have not been working in that field for several years now.

  7. Me and my sister (and occasionally some girlfriends) have watched 'Dirty Dancing' more then 40 times together.

  8. I'm going to buy myself a new sewing machine soon and any advice on what brand and type of machine is welcome!

  9. Like most women I have a shoe addiction. But the funny thing is that I never wore high heels until I was 28!

  10. And number 10 brings me back to this award that I received. I'm supposed to forward it to ten other bloggers that I think deserve this award. And if I'm completely honest I don't like doing this. Not that I can't think of any honest bloggers. There are so many lovely blogs out there. This whole award thing is just not my cup of tea. Nice comments or a new follower make me just as happy! And that's enough for me.

And therefor I want to thank two ladies especially. And that would be Sue from I Purr-Furr to Craft who send me this award and Anna from who became my first follower. Both very creative ladies themselves! Just wanted to thank you for receiving all those nice comments from both of you since I started a few months ago. Thank you so much!


  1. thank you for those kind words.
    Love learning new things about people, The sewing machine question, i can tell you the one i have is called an Elna Gallery series, I use it every day and it suits my needs. I bought it from Spotlight.
    I am in a minority here, i only have 1 pair of winter shoes and a couple of pairs of thongs, most of the time i am in bare feet.
    Love this blog, well done in finding 10 things to write about!

  2. Hey Monique,
    Thanks for kind words.
    Love reading all about you, I plan on getting fit as well. Hm, thinking about it is first step.

    OK, I only started sewing about 15mths ago but some great advice from a much older sewer.
    Her choice and now mine is Janome Memory Craft 6500
    Great for general/fiddley sewing as well as patchwork/quilting.
    Love those bags, you've just sewn up.
